vbtechsupport.com Blog

vBulletin 3.x to vBulletin 4.x / 4.1.x / 4.2.x upgrade process for large vBulletin forums

eva2000’s upgrade process My vB 3.8.x to vB 4.1.x upgrade process which I personally use myself as well as for private paying clients is as follows and assumes: you have ssh2 telnet access your vB 3.x forums are only using MySQL default MyISAM/Memory tables with NO InnoDB tables you have enough free disk space to...

Nginx install script, PHP 5.3.6 (php-fpm), MariaDB 5.2.6, Xcache v1.3.1, Memcached server, CSF firewall, Siege Benchmark

Centmin Nginx install script for CentOS servers by BTCentral was mentioned previously here. I’ve modified the script to suit my needs for Nginx v1.0.2 web server installations on CentOS 5.5 64bit environments, adding MariaDB 5.2.6 MySQL, Xcache v1.3.1, Memcached 1.4.5 servers, CSF Firewall as well as Siege benchmark script support. Note this modified version is for CentOS...

Rackspace.com Cloud Server – Nginx v1.0.2, PHP-FPM 5.3.6, Xcache v1.3.1, MariaDB 5.2.6 Install

Revisiting CentOS 5.x 64bit install on Rackspace.com Cloud Server environment but this time for testing source installation of Nginx v1.0.2, PHP 5.3.6 (php-fpm) and Xcache v1.3.1 along with MariaDB 5.2.6 64bit RPM binaries. After installing it all manually, I came across a an awesome bash shell install script over at webhostingtalk.com called Centmin created by...

Google Chrome 11 vs Firefox 3.6.17

Time to try out Google Chrome 11 web browser. Mozilla Firefox web browser has been main browser for years now as there’s certain Firefox add on extensions I can’t live without. But Firefox 3.6.17 is getting bloated with it’s memory consumption. Installation of Google Chrome 11 (11.0.696.68) was easy and all my Firefox 3.6.17 bookmarks...

Facebook dirty smear campaign attack on Google backfires

What happens when you have too much money and don’t know what to do with it ?  For Facebook, they decided to throw money at a dirty smear campaign attack on Google by hiring PR media firm, Burson-Marsteller. Burson-Marsteller is one of the worlds largest PR media firms with clients such as Accenture, Qualcomm, Sony...

MariaDB 5.2.6 MySQL Released – new Windows MSI Installer, .deb packages for Ubuntu

MariaDB 5.2.6 MySQL has been released. MariaDB 5.2.6 Release Notes and Change Log are available. MariaDB folks did alot of work on Windows specific builds for MariaDB 5.2.6 with a new Windows MSI installer as well as builds for .deb packages for Ubuntu 11.04 “Natty Narwhal”. MariaDB 5.2.6 contains the following changes:   Includes the...

Amazon AWS outage in April explained

The Amazon AWS outage on April 21st, 2011 brought down many popular sites including Reddit, Foursquare, HootSuite, Quora and Buddy Events app for Facebook. There’s been many blogs and web sites with write ups analysing the reasons why the Amazon AWS outage occurred but I came across what I consider the best summary of why...