vbtechsupport.com Blog

Boosting vBulletin performance via caching – Apache + Varnish versus Litespeed Cache

Last month I posted on my vBulletin.com blog my comparison benchmark results between Litespeed web server + Litespeed cache versus Apache + Varnish cache. I’m planning on doing more testing with Litespeed cache and Varnish, so will update this blog with the comparison results as well as my thoughts on the two for vBulletin forum...

vbtechsupport.com blog setup

vBulletin folks will know me online as George Liu aka eva2000.  Since July 2001, I have worked at vBulletin.com in a technical support role.  Come July, it will be my 10th year at vBulletin.com, so I decided that it’s long overdue that I setup a personal blog and the domain name  vbtechsupport.com.