Tagged: mysql

mysql error: Got error 28 from storage engine – mysql error number: 1030

Another common MySQL server error message encountered by vBulletin forum owners, is the “mysql error: Got error 28 from storage engine – mysql error number: 1030” error message. This error translates into “Error code 28: No space left on device” – meaning a disk partition on your forum server’s hard...

MySQL Benchmarks – MySQL 5.0.92 vs 5.1.55 vs 5.5.10 vs Percona 5.1.55 vs Percona 5.5.8 vs MariaDB 5.2.5

It’s not everyday that I get the opportunity and access to a 64 cpu core monster server with Quad Intel Xeon L7555 1.86Ghz Nehalem-EX processors and 64GB DDR3 memory! Yes, technically it’s 4×8 = 32 physical cpu cores with additional 32 virtual cores via Intel Hyperthreading. I’d like to thank...

WHM/Cpanel – Percona 5.1.55 & 5.5.8 MySQL Installation

Tried and tested MySQL 5.5.10 on WHM Cpanel server, so next up is Percona 5.1.55 rel 12.6 and Percona 5.5.8-20 Beta installations. The purpose is in preparation for MySQL benchmarks on Quad Intel Xeon L7555 Nehalem-EX Octo-Core server (64 cpu cores) with 64GB DDR3 memory. I’ll end up comparing MySQL...

WHM/Cpanel – MySQL 5.5.10 Installed

For next 2 days I have an opportunity to do some MySQL benchmark tests on a vB customer’s Quad Intel L7555 Nehalem-EX Octo-Core 1.86Ghz server with 64 cpu cores and 64GB DDR3 memory! As the server had WHM/Cpanel installed, I got to also install MySQL 5.5.10 on the server. Note,...

WHM/Cpanel – MariaDB 5.2.4 MySQL upgrade to MariaDB 5.2.5

My last blog entry I had me switch out WHM/Cpanel’s default MySQL 5.1.54 for MariaDB 5.2.4 MySQL. Now that MariaDB 5.2.5 MySQL version is out, I have successfully upgraded MariaDB 5.2.4 to MariaDB 5.2.5 MySQL on WHM/Cpanel based VPS server. Some screenshots from phpinfo, Cpanel and WHM server status and...

MySQL Backup Bash Shell Script

Which MySQL backup scripts do I use ? The question has come up a few times already so decided to post what MySQL backup script I am using right now. I’ve used quite a few different ones all using some form of mysqldump. 

MariaDB 5.2.5 MySQL released

Late news but MariaDB MySQL 5.2.5 was released a couple of weeks back. MariaDB 5.2.5 is based on MySQL 5.1.55 with XtraDB InnoDB plugin from Percona Server 5.1.54-12.5. MariaDB version based off MySQL 5.5 seems to close too. MariaDB 5.2.5 release notes Download MariaDB 5.2.5 here: http://downloads.askmonty.org/mariadb/5.2.5. Tried a test...

MySQL Table Engine Data Usage statistics

Came across a useful MySQL query at themattreid.com blog to use MySQL information_schema to calculate MySQL table engine data usage statistics for Innodb and MyISAM. select round(sum(innodb_data_size + innodb_index_size) / (innodb_data_free + sum(innodb_data_size + innodb_index_size))) * 100 as ‘innodb_tablespace_utilization_perc’ , (data_size + index_size) / gb as total_size_gb , index_size /...