Tagged: siege benchmark

Open LiteSpeed vs Nginx benchmarks and initial thoughts

  LitespeedTech took me by surprise when they announced an open source free version of Litespeed web server called OpenLiteSpeed. My first thought was, will OpenLiteSpeed retain the LiteSpeed Enterprise version’s performance and scalability in comparison to Nginx web server ? As I’m interested in performance of OpenLiteSpeed particularly in comparison...

BuyVM OpenVZ VPS Review: Centmin Nginx installed

First time testing out a OpenVZ based VPS server from BuyVM.net. So I posted a review over at LowEndTalk.com testing out my modified Centmin v1.2.1-eva2000.13 beta release Menu mode installer script on a BuyVM.net 512MB/1GB Burstable OpenVZ VPS server. Interesting to learn about how OpenVZ VPS handles memory differently from...