Centmin Mod Nginx Auto Installer script has been updated to v1.2.2-eva2000.08. The latest version auto installs Nginx v1.1.11, PHP 5.3.8 PHP-FPM, MariaDB 5.2.10 with optional components to be automatically installed like, Xcache v1.3.2, APC v3.1.9, Memcached 1.4.10, Memcache v3.0.5, CSF Firewall, Python v2.7.2, Siege benchmark, and NSD a low memory foot print BIND replacement. All this is done via an interactive menu.
The last couple of releases have been focused on making Centmin Mod script a bit smarter in dealing with some situations – incompatible control panels (WHM/Cpanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin), untested CentOS versions >6.0, and general errors when upgrading components like Nginx, PHP-FPM, Xcache, APC and Memcached.
While the download url is still hosted on this blog, most of the Centmin Mod info, faq and change log has been moved to it’s own domain Centminmod.com – which currently runs off Centmin Mod Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB 5.2.x MySQL based installed CentOS 6.0 32bit VPS servers. Running 5x Haproxy load balancer based Centmin Mod Nginx VPSes.
I’m happy to report from feedback emails, that quite a few large forums and heavy traffic sites have started using Centmin Mod Nginx installer script with positive improvements. Centmin Mod project is based on original Centmin project by BTCentral and originally intended for low memory based CentOS server installs to keep memory usage to minimal state. But with appropriate tweaks to settings, you should be able to handle large traffic and forum sites on Centmin Mod based Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB 5.2 server.

This will probably be the last public release update pre-Christmas and short of any serious bugs, the versions are pretty much set until at least mid end of January, 2012. Private consulting work has picked up pace now so need to prioritise and I’ll take this time to re-code the Centmin Mod bash script programming to make it more efficient now that I have learnt alot more :)
Centmin 1.2.2-eva2000.08 - http://centminmod.com
Menu/Mods Author: eva2000 (vbtechsupport.com)
Centmin Original Author: BTCentral (btcentral.org.uk)
Centmin Menu
1). Centmin Install
2). Add Nginx vhost domain
3). NSD setup domain name DNS
4). Nginx Upgrade
5). PHP Upgrade
6). XCache Re-install
7). APC Cache Re-install
8). XCache Install
9). APC Cache Install
10). Memcached Server Re-install
11). MariaDB 5.2 Upgrade
12). Install ioping.sh vbtechsupport.com/1239/
13). SELinux disable
14). Setup Logrotate for Nginx
15). Setup Logrotate for PHP-FPM
16). Change SSHD Port Number
17). Multi-thread compression: pigz,pbzip2,lbzip2,p7zip etc
18). Exit
Enter option [ 1 - 18 ]
-------------------------------------------------------- |
Centmin 1.2.2-eva2000.08 - http://centminmod.com
Menu/Mods Author: eva2000 (vbtechsupport.com)
Centmin Original Author: BTCentral (btcentral.org.uk)
Centmin Menu
1). Centmin Install
2). Add Nginx vhost domain
3). NSD setup domain name DNS
4). Nginx Upgrade
5). PHP Upgrade
6). XCache Re-install
7). APC Cache Re-install
8). XCache Install
9). APC Cache Install
10). Memcached Server Re-install
11). MariaDB 5.2 Upgrade
12). Install ioping.sh vbtechsupport.com/1239/
13). SELinux disable
14). Setup Logrotate for Nginx
15). Setup Logrotate for PHP-FPM
16). Change SSHD Port Number
17). Multi-thread compression: pigz,pbzip2,lbzip2,p7zip etc
18). Exit
Enter option [ 1 - 18 ]
nginx -V
nginx version: nginx/1.1.11
built by gcc 4.4.5 20110214 (Red Hat 4.4.5-6) (GCC)
TLS SNI support enabled
configure arguments: --sbin-path=/usr/local/sbin --conf-path=/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
--with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_stub_status_module
--with-http_sub_module --with-http_addition_module --with-http_secure_link_module
--with-http_flv_module --with-http_realip_module --add-module=../ngx-fancyindex-ngx-fancyindex
--add-module=../ngx_cache_purge-1.4 --add-module=../nginx-accesskey-2.0.3
--with-openssl=../openssl-1.0.0e --with-openssl-opt=enable-tlsext |
nginx -V
nginx version: nginx/1.1.11
built by gcc 4.4.5 20110214 (Red Hat 4.4.5-6) (GCC)
TLS SNI support enabled
configure arguments: --sbin-path=/usr/local/sbin --conf-path=/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
--with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_stub_status_module
--with-http_sub_module --with-http_addition_module --with-http_secure_link_module
--with-http_flv_module --with-http_realip_module --add-module=../ngx-fancyindex-ngx-fancyindex
--add-module=../ngx_cache_purge-1.4 --add-module=../nginx-accesskey-2.0.3
--with-openssl=../openssl-1.0.0e --with-openssl-opt=enable-tlsext
php -v
PHP 5.3.8 (cli) (built: Dec 20 2011 22:38:38)
Copyright (c) 1997-2011 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Zend Technologies |
php -v
PHP 5.3.8 (cli) (built: Dec 20 2011 22:38:38)
Copyright (c) 1997-2011 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Zend Technologies
PHP 5.3.8 (cli) (built: Dec 20 2011 22:38:38)
Copyright (c) 1997-2011 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Zend Technologies
Configure Command => '../configure' '--enable-cgi' '--enable-fpm' '--with-mcrypt'
'--with-mhash' '--with-zlib' '--with-gettext' '--enable-exif' '--enable-zip'
'--with-bz2' '--enable-soap' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-sysvmsg' '--enable-sysvsem'
'--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-shmop' '--with-pear' '--enable-mbstring' '--with-openssl'
'--with-mysql=/usr/bin/' '--with-libdir=lib64' '--with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysql_config'
'--with-mysql-sock' '--with-curl' '--with-gd' '--with-xmlrpc' '--enable-bcmath'
'--enable-calendar' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-freetype-dir=lib64'
'--with-jpeg-dir=lib64' '--with-png-dir=lib64' '--with-xpm-dir=lib64' '--enable-pdo'
'--with-pdo-sqlite' '--with-pdo-mysql' '--enable-inline-optimization' '--with-imap'
'--with-imap-ssl' '--with-kerberos' '--with-fpm-user=nginx' '--with-fpm-group=nginx' |
PHP 5.3.8 (cli) (built: Dec 20 2011 22:38:38)
Copyright (c) 1997-2011 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Zend Technologies
Configure Command => '../configure' '--enable-cgi' '--enable-fpm' '--with-mcrypt'
'--with-mhash' '--with-zlib' '--with-gettext' '--enable-exif' '--enable-zip'
'--with-bz2' '--enable-soap' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-sysvmsg' '--enable-sysvsem'
'--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-shmop' '--with-pear' '--enable-mbstring' '--with-openssl'
'--with-mysql=/usr/bin/' '--with-libdir=lib64' '--with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysql_config'
'--with-mysql-sock' '--with-curl' '--with-gd' '--with-xmlrpc' '--enable-bcmath'
'--enable-calendar' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-freetype-dir=lib64'
'--with-jpeg-dir=lib64' '--with-png-dir=lib64' '--with-xpm-dir=lib64' '--enable-pdo'
'--with-pdo-sqlite' '--with-pdo-mysql' '--enable-inline-optimization' '--with-imap'
'--with-imap-ssl' '--with-kerberos' '--with-fpm-user=nginx' '--with-fpm-group=nginx'
mysqladmin ver
mysqladmin Ver 9.0 Distrib 5.2.10-MariaDB, for unknown-linux-gnu on x86_64
Copyright 2000-2008 MySQL AB, 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc,
2009 Monty Program Ab
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license
Server version 5.2.10-MariaDB-mariadb107
Protocol version 10
Connection Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime: 6 min 28 sec
Threads: 2 Questions: 16 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 15 Flush tables: 1
Open tables: 8 Queries per second avg: 0.41 |
mysqladmin ver
mysqladmin Ver 9.0 Distrib 5.2.10-MariaDB, for unknown-linux-gnu on x86_64
Copyright 2000-2008 MySQL AB, 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc,
2009 Monty Program Ab
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license
Server version 5.2.10-MariaDB-mariadb107
Protocol version 10
Connection Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime: 6 min 28 sec
Threads: 2 Questions: 16 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 15 Flush tables: 1
Open tables: 8 Queries per second avg: 0.41
echo stats | nc 11211
STAT pid 3038
STAT uptime 527
STAT time 1324451815
STAT version 1.4.10
STAT libevent 2.0.16-stable
STAT pointer_size 64
STAT rusage_user 0.000000
STAT rusage_system 0.028995
STAT curr_connections 5
STAT total_connections 6
STAT connection_structures 6
STAT reserved_fds 20
STAT cmd_get 0
STAT cmd_set 0
STAT cmd_flush 0
STAT cmd_touch 0
STAT get_hits 0
STAT get_misses 0
STAT delete_misses 0
STAT delete_hits 0
STAT incr_misses 0
STAT incr_hits 0
STAT decr_misses 0
STAT decr_hits 0
STAT cas_misses 0
STAT cas_hits 0
STAT cas_badval 0
STAT touch_hits 0
STAT touch_misses 0
STAT auth_cmds 0
STAT auth_errors 0
STAT bytes_read 6
STAT bytes_written 0
STAT limit_maxbytes 8388608
STAT accepting_conns 1
STAT listen_disabled_num 0
STAT threads 4
STAT conn_yields 0
STAT hash_power_level 16
STAT hash_bytes 524288
STAT hash_is_expanding 0
STAT expired_unfetched 0
STAT evicted_unfetched 0
STAT bytes 0
STAT curr_items 0
STAT total_items 0
STAT evictions 0
STAT reclaimed 0
echo stats | nc 11211
STAT pid 3038
STAT uptime 527
STAT time 1324451815
STAT version 1.4.10
STAT libevent 2.0.16-stable
STAT pointer_size 64
STAT rusage_user 0.000000
STAT rusage_system 0.028995
STAT curr_connections 5
STAT total_connections 6
STAT connection_structures 6
STAT reserved_fds 20
STAT cmd_get 0
STAT cmd_set 0
STAT cmd_flush 0
STAT cmd_touch 0
STAT get_hits 0
STAT get_misses 0
STAT delete_misses 0
STAT delete_hits 0
STAT incr_misses 0
STAT incr_hits 0
STAT decr_misses 0
STAT decr_hits 0
STAT cas_misses 0
STAT cas_hits 0
STAT cas_badval 0
STAT touch_hits 0
STAT touch_misses 0
STAT auth_cmds 0
STAT auth_errors 0
STAT bytes_read 6
STAT bytes_written 0
STAT limit_maxbytes 8388608
STAT accepting_conns 1
STAT listen_disabled_num 0
STAT threads 4
STAT conn_yields 0
STAT hash_power_level 16
STAT hash_bytes 524288
STAT hash_is_expanding 0
STAT expired_unfetched 0
STAT evicted_unfetched 0
STAT bytes 0
STAT curr_items 0
STAT total_items 0
STAT evictions 0
STAT reclaimed 0