vbtechsupport.com Blog

MySQL Table Engine Data Usage statistics

Came across a useful MySQL query at themattreid.com blog to use MySQL information_schema to calculate MySQL table engine data usage statistics for Innodb and MyISAM. select round(sum(innodb_data_size + innodb_index_size) / (innodb_data_free + sum(innodb_data_size + innodb_index_size))) * 100 as ‘innodb_tablespace_utilization_perc’ , (data_size + index_size) / gb as total_size_gb , index_size / gb as index_size_gb , data_size...

MySQL Error Messages: MySQL server has gone away & Lost connection to server during query

‘MySQL server has gone away‘ and ‘Lost connection to server during query‘ MySQL error messages are one of the more common encountered with vBulletin forums. The main reason being non-optimal MySQL server settings – usually the default my.cnf values for MySQL are in use or setting the wait_timeout value too low.  A whole list of...

Web site page loading speed optimization online tools & tests

Web site page load speed optimization is now the topic of discussion on alot of online webmaster forums. Ever since Google announced changes to their search algorithms to factor in web site page loading speed, there have been alot of tools, guides and resources popping up on the internet for helping webmasters reduce their site’s...

vBulletin Datastore Cache – using Memcached cache to reduce MySQL database load

vBulletin versions 3.7.x and higher have feature to offload some frequently called database queries to a vBulletin Datastore Cache – which maybe via File cache, Xcache, APC Cache or Memcached server caching. My personal preference is using Xcache for vBulletin Datastore Cache for single server setups which are Apache web server based where both web...

vBulletin Datastore Memcached server cache corruption errors

While setting up 2x load balanced Litespeed web servers for a vBulletin v4.1.2 forum, I came across an issue when I enabled vBulletin config.php for datastore caching via Memcached where vBulletin would report the datastore cache was corrupt with the below quoted message. Rebuilding vBulletin Bitfields from tools.php only fixed the problem temporarily on front...

Varnish cache 4images Image Gallery Management server port

Another script I installed on a Varnish caching frontend, 4images Image Gallery Management had a similar server port work around fix as with vBulletin v4.1.2. 4images Image Gallery Management script when installed with Varnish cache as frontend, led to resulting image urls being defined as domain.com:82. To fix this so Varnish cache worked with spitting...

Varnish cache with Litespeed web server, vBulletin v4.1.2 Server Port

Testing vBulletin 4.1.2 with Varnish cache as proxy frontend to Litespeed web server v4.0.20 on a VPS server and came across an interesting problem, in admincp editing options i.e. turning on/off forums, it would timeout. If you use Unixy Varnish Cpanel plugin or Varnish cache, please read below. Looking at Firebug NET monitoring I would...

Spinrite v6.0 level 1 hard drive surface scan diagnostic test

Spinrite v6.0 is now my favourite disk tool to have after saving my 640GB Samsung HD642JJ main OS drive from bad sector heaven. Not only did it fix the bad sectors, it allowed me to backup and clone the data off the hard drive – something I previously thought was not possible.  I thought I’d...