vbtechsupport.com Blog

DNS Made Easy – IP Anycast DNS, DNS failover & Fast instant DNS Updates

You’ve tweaked your web page site speed as much as you can using various Google Pagespeed and Yahoo YSlow site speed tools and online tests. You’ve converted your static files over to using CDN service providers such as MaxCDN. What’s next in your quest for squeezing out more speed for your site ? Faster domain...

vBulletin character set & collation, double check phpmyadmin / MySQL for charset settings

MySQL server and database character set and collations are confusing, I don’t understand it all as I mainly deal with MySQL default latin1 character set and latin1_swedish_ci collation for English based forums. But for non-English based vBulletin forums it can be a pain to get right especially if you rely on and trust your web...

MariaDB 5.2.9 MySQL Server Released

MariaDB 5.2.9 has been released. MariaDB 5.2.9 download here. This is a Stable release. A "stable" MariaDB release is equivalent to a MySQL "GA" release. Compared to MariaDB 5.2.8, MariaDB 5.2.9 is a bug-fix release. For a list of every change made in MariaDB 5.2.9, with links to detailed information on each push, see the...

Tungsten Replicator: vBulletin Suite v4.1.6 configured for MariaDB MySQL Master/Slave Replication

Last article involved setting up WordPress with HyperDB plugin for Tungsten Replicator master/slave MariaDB MySQL replication. This time, we’ll look at configuring vBulletin Suite v4.1.6 for Tungsten Replicator master/slave MariaDB MySQL replication. Both .101 master (default 3306 port) and .101 local slave (3309 port) use MariaDB 5.2.7 MySQL servers. First I uploaded a vBulletin v4.1.6...

Tungsten Replicator: MariaDB MySQL Master/Slave Replication setup with HyperDB plugin for WordPress

Setting up a single server for Tungsten Replicator master and local slave MySQL replication has made it alot easier to just fire up the one server to continue testing Tungsten Replicator’s features. This time, I’ll install a WordPress v3.2.1 and install HyperDB wordpress plugin to configure the WordPress installation to use Tungsten Replicator master/slave MySQL...

Tungsten Replicator: MariaDB MySQL Master/Slave server setup on single server

Previous Tungsten Replicator article dealt with MySQL master/slave server setup on two separate MariaDB MySQL servers (.101 master and .102 slave). This time I tried setting up both master and slave on the same single .101 server. To do this, I installed a second MariaDB 5.2.7 MySQL server instance on same server running from port...

Tungsten Replicator: data replication engine – MySQL master/slave server setup

For the past couple of months I have glanced over articles and blogs about Tungsten Replicator – a data replication engine for MySQL which surpasses the traditional MySQL replication feature set. But didn’t know where to begin in trying it out until Giuseppe Maxia posted on his blog – The Data Charmer, a link to...