Tagged: mariadb

MariaDB 5.3.5 MySQL server stable release

MariaDB 5.3.5 stable MySQL server has been announced. Compared to previous releases in the MariaDB 5.3 series, MariaDB 5.3.5 is primarily a bug-fix release with a focus on stability, performance, and usability. It is first stable or GA release of the 5.3 series and the fifth overall release in the series. Apart from fixing...

MariaDB 5.5.20 Alpha MySQL Server Released

MariaDB 5.5.20 Alpha MySQL Server has been released based on MySQL 5.5 with merging of MariaDB 5.3 with MySQL 5.5. Full MariaDB 5.5.20 Change Log. Full description of MariaDB 5.5 here. MariaDB 5.5.20 is an Alpha release. MariaDB 5.5.20-alpha is a merge of MariaDB 5.3 and MySQL 5.5 with some...

MariaDB 5.3.4 vs MySQL 5.5.20 – 5.1 XtraDB Engine vs InnoDB Plugin

Percona folks released some surprising Sysbench MySQL InnoDB Engine benchmarks comparing MariaDB 5.3.4 RC (which is based on Percona 5.1 XtraDB InnoDB engine) with MySQL 5.5.20 (InnoDB plugin). The results showed MySQL 5.5.20 was out performing MariaDB 5.3.4 RC for simple Sysbench OLTP InnoDB benchmark tests. MariaDB folks then did...

It’s official, Percona XtraBackup does not support MariaDB 5.2 & 5.3 MySQL yet

Percona XtraBackup tool for non-blocking MySQL InnoDB and XtraDB backups has been out for a while now. There’s been an outstanding bug #733665 logged since March, 2011 with regards to Percona XtraBackup’s innobackupex-1.5.1 script not detecting MariaDB 5.2 and now 5.3 based MySQL forks. When you run Percona XtraBackup’s innobackupex-1.5.1...

Faster alternative to MySQL mysqldump backup & restore with multi-threaded Mydumper & Myloader tool

Mydumper is a multi-threaded MySQL backup and restore tool written in C by MySQL engineers who worked for MySQL and later moved to Facebook, SkySQL etc. Mydumper claims to be up to 10x times faster than mysqldump for backups. I’ve even suggested to WHM/Cpanel folks to incorporate Mydumper for faster...

Centmin Mod Nginx Auto Installer updated

Centmin Mod Nginx Auto Installer script has been updated to v1.2.2-eva2000.08. The latest version auto installs Nginx v1.1.11, PHP 5.3.8 PHP-FPM, MariaDB 5.2.10 with optional components to be automatically installed like, Xcache v1.3.2, APC v3.1.9, Memcached 1.4.10, Memcache v3.0.5, CSF Firewall, Python v2.7.2, Siege benchmark, and NSD a low memory...

MariaDB 5.1.60 and MariaDB 5.2.10 MySQL Server released

MariaDB MySQL server versions 5.1.60 and 5.2.10 have been released with update for Percona XtraDB InnoDB plugin to version 1.0.17-13.0. MariaDB 5.1.60 Release Notes & Change log & MariaDB 5.1.60 Download MariaDB 5.2.10 Release Notes & Change log & MariaDB 5.2.10 Download   mysqladmin Ver 9.0 Distrib 5.2.10-MariaDB, for unknown-linux-gnu on x86_64...