Tagged: memcached server

Amazon ElastiCache – Memcached server cloud hosting for Amazon AWS

Amazon Web Services announces a new product, Amazon ElastiCache – which is basically using Memcached server – a scalable distributed in-memory cache server for cloud hosting services such as Amazon EC2. Check out Amazon AWS blog for further details on Amazon ElastiCache. Amazon ElastiCache FAQ is here. ElastiCache feature set...

Nginx install script, PHP 5.3.17 (php-fpm), MariaDB 5.2.12, Xcache v2.0.1, APC 3.1.13, Memcached server, CSF firewall, Siege Benchmark, Python 2.72

Centmin v1.2.0 – Nginx install script for CentOS servers by BTCentral has been updated and released incorporating alot of my modifications which were made to Centmin v1.1.0 base here. I’ve updated my modifications to use Centmin v1.2.0 and higher as a base. Centmin v1.2.0 has fixed my modifications to work with...

Nginx install script, PHP 5.3.6 (php-fpm), MariaDB 5.2.6, Xcache v1.3.1, Memcached server, CSF firewall, Siege Benchmark

Centmin Nginx install script for CentOS servers by BTCentral was mentioned previously here. I’ve modified the script to suit my needs for Nginx v1.0.2 web server installations on CentOS 5.5 64bit environments, adding MariaDB 5.2.6 MySQL, Xcache v1.3.1, Memcached 1.4.5 servers, CSF Firewall as well as Siege benchmark script support. Note...

vBulletin Datastore Cache – using Memcached cache to reduce MySQL database load

vBulletin versions 3.7.x and higher have feature to offload some frequently called database queries to a vBulletin Datastore Cache – which maybe via File cache, Xcache, APC Cache or Memcached server caching. My personal preference is using Xcache for vBulletin Datastore Cache for single server setups which are Apache web...

vBulletin Datastore Memcached server cache corruption errors

While setting up 2x load balanced Litespeed web servers for a vBulletin v4.1.2 forum, I came across an issue when I enabled vBulletin config.php for datastore caching via Memcached where vBulletin would report the datastore cache was corrupt with the below quoted message. Rebuilding vBulletin Bitfields from tools.php only fixed...