vbtechsupport.com Blog

gziptest.sh – parallel compression benchmark tests: gzip vs bzip2 vs pigz vs pbzip2 vs lzip vs plzip

A Cpanel feature request thread came up for inclusion for pigz a parallel multi-threaded implementation of gzip which dramatically speeds up compression. Update: Part 2 compression benchmarks have been posted here. Pigz definitely does speed up compression times, I implemented parallel multi-threaded versions of gzip and bzip2 – pigz and pbzip2 in my mysqlmybackup.sh script...

Gigabyte X79-UD5 – Intel LGA2011

Folks who know me are aware of the fact that besides tweaking vBulletin servers for performance, I also tweak and tune PC hardware. I’ve been busy with vBulletin related work so haven’t touched PC hardware side for a while. But Intel has a new platform of motherboard and cpu products being released in a few...

Rackspace Cloud Server: End of Support for some Linux Images

Just got this message from Rackspace.com that effecive December 5, 2011, they will be stopping sale and support for some older Linux distribution images in their Rackspace Cloud hosting offerings.  Hopefully, this means more recent Linux distrubutions are supported including CentOS 5.7, 6.0, 6.1. Hello! Currently, the following Linux Distributions are available for Rackspace Cloud...

Revisiting vBulletin Datastore Caching – memcached servers reducing MySQL server load

Back in March, I illustrated how two Litespeed web server based vB clients of mine were using vBulletin Datastore Cache feature + vB Optimise Pro plugin to offload some MySQL load to 2x or 4x Memcached servers. You can offload caching to APC Cache or Xcache as well if you don’t have Memcached installed. I...

New site design for vbtechsupport.com blog

Overnight, the old site design broke for no reason just giving me blank pages which weren’t PHP related. I narrowed it down to the style itself and a wordpress caching plugin conflict. So I quickly had to switch to a different style for this site and temporarily disable caching for the site. I took this...

Proactive Malware & Phishing Monitoring and Infection Detection: Sucuri Web Integrity Monitor

Recently, while working on a vBulletin clients’ forums I encountered some web site red boxed background malware infection alerts. Using Google Chrome web browser with Google Safe Browsing technology enabled for phishing and malware protection, I experienced one of these malware alerts. You will either get one of the two below alert warning messages. Warning:...

Which CDN provider is fastest ? How does MaxCDN rate for you ?

This site uses MaxCDN for static file serving as it’s the best price per gigabyte CDN provider I have found.  There are many other CDN providers out there with varying CDN prices and minimum bandwidth purchase amounts. MaxCDN has been criticised for having no Asian pops of presences (POPs) – or what they term as Edge or Peer...