vbtechsupport.com Blog

vBulletin 4.1.10 Released – major stylevars refactor & bug fixes

vBulletin v4.1.10 was released. Probably one of the more major updates with major Style Variables refactoring and bug and performance improvements. Including Style Var Mapping. Check out Darkshenron’s vBulletin 4.1.10 Style Var changes list. Style Var Mapping As a result of the 4.1.10 stylevar changes, there have been a number of stylevars removed, added or...

MySQL Back up & Restore: Faster InnoDB database backup / restore using Mydumper and Myloader multi-threaded tools

Previous article compared MyISAM database backup methods for mysqldump and multi-threaded Mydumper/Myloader tools. This time testing a full 100% InnoDB database and comparing InnoDB backup and restore times with mysqldump non-blocking (–single-transaction ) backup and restore with Mydumper and Myloader multi-threaded backup tools. When it comes to backup and restores, InnoDB databases and tables will...

Faster alternative to MySQL mysqldump backup & restore with multi-threaded Mydumper & Myloader tool

Mydumper is a multi-threaded MySQL backup and restore tool written in C by MySQL engineers who worked for MySQL and later moved to Facebook, SkySQL etc. Mydumper claims to be up to 10x times faster than mysqldump for backups. I’ve even suggested to WHM/Cpanel folks to incorporate Mydumper for faster MySQL database backups and restores...

Nginx web server overtakes Microsoft IIS to rank #2 behind Apache in Netcraft Web Server survey

According to Netcraft January Web Server survey, Nginx web server has now surpassed Microsoft IIS web server in terms of active sites and Nginx is now ranked #2 behind Apache web server.  Nginx web server was surveyed to rank #2 behind #1 Apache’s 57% active sites with Nginx web server running on 12.18% of active...

Litespeed Web Server v4.1.9 released – rrdgraph tool included

Litespeed Web Server v4.1.9 has been released and includes a new rrdtool dependent install script for rrdgraph, rrdgraph_install.sh. Much easier to install than Cacti. I installed it on this server and ran Loadimpact.com test run with 50 clients ramp up to see rrdgraph in action. The rrdgraph output from this Loadimpact.com test run. Low load...

Centmin Mod Nginx Auto Installer updated

Centmin Mod Nginx Auto Installer script has been updated to v1.2.2-eva2000.08. The latest version auto installs Nginx v1.1.11, PHP 5.3.8 PHP-FPM, MariaDB 5.2.10 with optional components to be automatically installed like, Xcache v1.3.2, APC v3.1.9, Memcached 1.4.10, Memcache v3.0.5, CSF Firewall, Python v2.7.2, Siege benchmark, and NSD a low memory foot print BIND replacement. All...

MariaDB 5.1.60 and MariaDB 5.2.10 MySQL Server released

MariaDB MySQL server versions 5.1.60 and 5.2.10 have been released with update for Percona XtraDB InnoDB plugin to version 1.0.17-13.0. MariaDB 5.1.60 Release Notes & Change log & MariaDB 5.1.60 Download MariaDB 5.2.10 Release Notes & Change log & MariaDB 5.2.10 Download   mysqladmin Ver 9.0 Distrib 5.2.10-MariaDB, for unknown-linux-gnu on x86_64 Copyright 2000-2008 MySQL AB, 2008...

gziptest.sh part 2: multi-threaded compression benchmarks

After Part 1 compression tests, I further improved my gziptest.sh script and added three other compression tools to the test, zip, lbzip2 and p7zip. Update: For a more recent live production compression comparison benchmark test between pigz vs gzip on dual Xeon E5520 with 8 physical cpu cores and 16 cpu threads, read here. The...