vbtechsupport.com Blog

MariaDB 5.2 MySQL repository for RHEL/CentOS YUM installs

OurDelta announced they have setup a MariaDB 5.2 MySQL repository for easy MySQL installs and upgrades on RHEL and CentOS. Instructions for MariaDB 5.2 (new release) Install the OurDelta release RPM : rpm -ivh http://master.ourdelta.org/yum/CentOS-MariaDB52/ourdelta-release-5-1.noarch.rpmrpm -ivh http://master.ourdelta.org/yum/CentOS-MariaDB52/ourdelta-release-5-1.noarch.rpm You’re done. From that, proceed to install the MariaDB packages as usual, using yum: For server installs: yum...

mysqlmymonlite.sh – gather MySQL & Apache, Nginx web server information stats in less than 12 seconds !

Mysqlmymonlite.sh is a simple bash shell script which allows the end user to gather alot of MySQL and Apache, Nginx web server related information for troubleshooting or optimization purposes. It literally takes less than 12 seconds to obtain all the information I listed below for ./mysqlmymonlite.sh run as an example.

mysqlmybackup.sh – multi feature MySQL database backup and restore script with Percona XtraBackup & Mydumper tool support

mysqlmybackup.sh started out as a mysqldump based MySQL back up script which I started on June 20th, 2011. I compiled the script based on the modified MySQL mysqldump backup script by Vivek Gite and merged it with Zarafa.com script. Script Evolution: The script has since evolved from the original Vivek Gite based script to also...

Varnish Cache v3.0.0 released

Varnish Cache v3.0.0 has officially been released. Source and binary packages are available for the following platforms. Source Debian FreeBSD Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Ubuntu Changes from v2.1.5 to v3.0.0 Module support through VMODs. Compression and uncompression support, including stiching together compressed ESI fragments. Preliminary streaming support, both on miss and on pass. Much...

MariaDB 5.2.7 MySQL Server Released

MariaDB 5.2.7 MySQL has been released. Already updated my custom Centmin Nginx installation script with MariaDB 5.2.7. The MariaDB 5.2.7 change log is pretty long so summary: Faster Internal Temporary Tables HeidiSQL GUI client now included in Windows MSI package Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 RPMs Other fixes and enhancements Download MariaDB 5.2.7 MySQL...

Nginx install script, PHP 5.3.17 (php-fpm), MariaDB 5.2.12, Xcache v2.0.1, APC 3.1.13, Memcached server, CSF firewall, Siege Benchmark, Python 2.72

Centmin v1.2.0 – Nginx install script for CentOS servers by BTCentral has been updated and released incorporating alot of my modifications which were made to Centmin v1.1.0 base here. I’ve updated my modifications to use Centmin v1.2.0 and higher as a base. Centmin v1.2.0 has fixed my modifications to work with both CentOS 32bit and 64bit...