For cronjob scheduled mysqldump based MySQL only backups without any user intervention.
Operates based on MySQL username/password and other settings defined in the script itself.
Does a mysqldump based backup of all MySQL databases on the server as well as separate MySQL schema (no data) only backup for each corresponding MySQL database.
Checks mysqldump backup file’s age against predefined threshold. Once mysqldump backup file is older than threshold set, it will be deleted. Default is set to retain 10 days of mysqldump backups. Mysqldump backups older than 10 days will be deleted.
By default email notification is enabled so you’ll receive an email outlining whether the MySQL backup of the databases and schema only backups was sucessfull or not.
Email notification will also lists all the created database backups’ and schema backups’ date of creation, size and location of the backups information.
Performs a quick check of the MySQL data directory size against the amount of partition disk free space. You’ll get a warning message if the size of your MySQL data directory is greater than the disk free space on the partition in which the predefined MySQL backup directory resides. Basically, you’d want to ensure you have enough disk free space to house your back ups.
./ backup
Exactly same as silent mode, just with user interaction in the form of prompting for the mysql username and password used to run mysqldump from.
./ backupvb3dir
Rsync based rotating backup of predefined directories for the entire forum web root path.
You can also specifically define paths for the following directories if they aren’t in the default locations:
Backing up database: [sbtest]if mysql user password is empty hit enter at prompt
134MB 0:00:08 [16.5MB/s][<=>]
Successfully backed up database: sbtest
Backing up database: [sbtest]
if mysql user password is empty hit enter at prompt
134MB 0:00:08 [16.5MB/s] [ <=> ]
Successfully backed up database: sbtest
./ backupvb4dir
Same as for backupvb3dir, just no customgroupicons path needed
# vB 4.x backup directoryVB4BACKUPDIR="/vb4backupdir"# vB 4.x files# Specify the source original directory paths# attachmentsVB4ATTACHMENTS="${SITEAROOT}attachments"# customavatarsVB4CUSTOMAVATARS="${SITEAROOT}customavatars"# customprofilepicsVB4CUSTOMPROFILEPICS="${SITEAROOT}customprofilepics"# signaturepicsVB4SIGNATUREPICS="${SITEAROOT}signaturepics"